
Devotions, Uncategorized


Would your life be different if you were more aware that Jesus is present in every thought, conversation, and situation you are in today and always? If you were to picture Him at your table, watching television with you, on the subway with you, .or in traffic with you, would anything change? If you were to imagine Him standing beside the person you are talking to, would your conversation be different? I know mine would.

Children, Children, Devotions


foods? Perhaps you made a weird sandwich of pickles, peanut butter, salad dressing, tomatoes, and broccoli and then you ate it! You might have loved it but no one else wanted to try it, did they?



Not knowing any better this became a practice for me, as well. Over 50 years later, and even though gratefully I know better, I still find myself remembering this superstition on the first day of a new month. Why does this stick with me? I’m sure it is because I read it and I applied it, I said those words. I probably told others and encouraged them to also practice this fake folklore. I read it, I did it, I shared it and it sticks with me.



We have all come across items that have failed to live up to their name or their claim. Your car might not get the mileage the sticker said it would or the nutritious food bar you just ate may have had more sugar and processing in it than healthy nutrients. The product that was supposed to clean your clothes and leave a fragrant, refreshing smell, well, let’s just say you wanted to rewash them with a new and different detergent. However, there is one product that lives up to its name.

Children, Children, Devotions

ECHO – A Children’s Devotional

An echo is a cool effect unless it is a negative thought in your mind. If someone has ever called you a name or said something about you that hurt, it is often tempting to keep thinking about those negative words, letting them echo in our minds. Those types of echoes are destructive, very destructive.



Those fingers together under one covering generate a warmth that when isolated in a glove they can’t achieve individually. To me, fellowship is like those mittens. When we come together as believers for worship, study, prayer, or Sunday dinners we generate a warmth that we can’t get we are alone, and apart from one another.



with, of no value. We don’t want those items in our home. If the garbage doesn’t leave our home, the putridness grows, attracting unwanted insects or birthing them.

Children, Devotions

LOST AND FOUND – Children’s Devotional

Do you have a favorite stuffed animal that you like to sleep with at bedtime? Or perhaps you have a favorite action figure or toy? Have you ever lost those things? Were you sad? Were you hoping you would find it? Did you ask others to help you look for it? Where are the places you looked? Did you wish it would just jump up and say, ‘Here I am?’ How did you feel when you found it? Did you feel relieved? Happy? Did you tell others when you found it?



Fear gave birth to a lie. It was not even a full-fledged, all-in, lie but a half-truth, and the consequences far-reaching – even to the next generation.

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