He has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies. John 8:44

In Genesis 12 and 20 – we read of Abram in response to his fear, telling the Egyptians that Sarai is his sister, not his wife. God has already promised to bless him making him into a great nation but it has been a while, there’s a famine and Abram is fearful so he goes to Egypt for resources.

Abram knew Sarai’s great beauty would attract the Egyptians and the Pharaoh would want her for his own. He was right. Pharaoh takes her into the palace and gifts Abram with generous quantities of livestock and servants. God gratefully intervenes.

God has a plan to bless Abram and Sara and even Abram’s fear won’t stop His plan but the consequences of Abram’s half-truth (Genesis 20:12), his white lie are far-reaching. Genesis 12:17 tells us serious disease was inflicted on Pharaoh and his household and Abram, Sara, everyone, and everything that came with them have to leave Egypt.

In Genesis 20, we see the scene repeated. Now called Abraham, King Abimelek believing Sarah is Abraham’s sister takes her into his household. Again, God intervenes, and as the king understands the consequences including death to his nation may occur if he doesn’t return Sarah, she remains untouched and is returned to Abraham with sheep, cattle, servants, and land.

It doesn’t end there. Generational consequences of a son learning by what his father does more than what he says are told to us in Genesis 26. Abraham’s miraculous, long-awaited, almost sacrificed son Isaac is declaring that his wife Rebekah is his sister not his wife, also out of fear.

Fear gave birth to a lie. It was not even a full-fledged, all-in, lie but a half-truth, and the consequences far-reaching – even to the next generation.

God takes truth seriously. There are no lies, no half-truths, with God. He IS the way, the TRUTH, and the life. He cannot lie (Hebrews 6:18, Titus 1:2, Numbers 23:19).

Precious friends, will you join me in asking God to keep us rooted, grounded, and speaking the truth? Will you join me in asking Him to protect us in responding to fear by trusting Him?

Precious Father, we ask forgiveness for thinking white lies, half-truths, leaving things out of the truth are okay and acceptable by You. You take truth seriously and we pray to do that also trusting Your many promises to us that You will not break. Strengthen us this day and forevermore to be people like You, people of truth, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

I don’t believe God blessed Abraham for lying with sheep, cattle, servants, goats, donkeys, camels, and land. I believe God blessed Sarah for her submission to her husband’s wrong understanding of what the situation required. No woman wants to be sold or put at risk but she submitted and yielded to her husband’s decision and God spared her and blessed her.

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