
Belief and Behaviors

What we believe affects how we behave. If we want to change a behavior, we must look at what we are believing. We all have behaviors we want to change. We want to quit being selfish, proud, greedy, unforgiving, jealous, covetous. We want to quit telling white lies and be honest with people, we want to build people up and stop being negative or critical, we want to be better stewards with our money.


Rock My World

I am a rocker. I am a swayer. Put a child in my arms and I will instinctively start rhythmically moving forward, back, forward, back. Waiting in a grocery line I will sidle left, right, left, right. Years of loving and comforting children have made me a woman perpetually in motion.


Carry On Bags

I am always envious of those who glide through an airport with only one small carry on bag. They make traveling look extraordinarily easy and effortless. Their shoulders don’t sag or ache from schlepping heavy computer bags, purses, duffel bags, golf bags or guitars. They aren’t fighting a straying, sticky wheel on an overflowing, teetering luggage cart. Their airport footprint is small.


For Always

David is looking for people to bless. In particular he’s looking to bless any family left of his friend Jonathan and also of his enemy Saul. How like our Lord in that our Lord is always looking for people to bless.


Bad Counsel

Who we listen to and the advice we base decisions on is vitally important. The Bible shows us several people who based decisions on bad counsel and the affects were/are far-reaching. Here are just three examples.



Please enjoy these short devotionals. May we both grow in love, understanding and living the truth of Jesus. To God be the glory!


Want a Blessing?

It doesn’t take a genius, scholar, or sage to realize everyone wants favor. Everyone wants gifts they don’t deserve, and unexpected treasures to come their way.


Spiritual Dementia

When we forget who our God is we encounter much of what dementia sufferers experience. We wander. We get lost, turned around and easily agitated.

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