Rock My World


I am a rocker. I am a swayer.  Put a child in my arms and I will instinctively start rhythmically rocking forward, back, forward, back.  Waiting in a grocery line I will sidle left, right, left, right.  Years of loving and comforting children have made me a woman perpetually in motion. 

Scripture reminds us that God is our rock.  I used to think of that only in the solid, strong, unchangeable, unmovable, forever kind of way.  It is easy for me to envision God the rock in those ways.

As always with God, there are depths and layers to who He is and what He is to us.

At a time, when I needed great comfort, He reminded me that He is also the loving Father who holds His beloved children close, rocking us, comforting us, soothing our fears, worries, discouragement, anxieties, and doubt.  How my heart lept to welcome that insight.

Recently, He reminded me that there is another understanding when He calls Himself our rock. He is also the rock that takes down giants.  He is the rock that can be thrown into any circumstance I am facing and slay the enemy. Like a rock that can be thrown, He is also a weapon. Read More

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