Changing Your Beliefs Will Change Your Behavior
What we believe affects how we behave. If we want to change a behavior, we must look at what we are believing.
We all have behaviors we want to change. We want to quit being selfish, proud, greedy, unforgiving, jealous, covetous. We want to quit telling white lies and be honest with people, we want to build people up and stop being negative or critical, we want to be better stewards with our money. We want to be genuine and authentic and be rid of the masks.
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We want to live in accordance with His Word, His will and do things His way.
If we want to successfully change our behaviors we must look at what we are believing about our loving Lord and about those practices in our life.
- When we lie we are saying, we don’t believe the truth is enough.
- When we gossip, we believe we are important because we know something someone else doesn’t know.
- When we long to have what our neighbors have, we believe that is where our contentment comes from.
- Believing we deserve an accolade or achievement someone else receives may result in the behaviors of jealousy and bitterness even sabotage.
- Wrong beliefs like ‘more is always better,’ can put us into debt, make us workaholics, or alcoholics.
- Believing something won’t hurt us will lead us to try something that will inevitably spiral us downward.
When we sin, we believe the lie that God doesn’t know what He is doing, God can’t handle this, He is not enough, or that we know better than God.
What behaviors do you want to change in your life? Will you ask Him to show you the lies you are believing?
Proverbs 4:23 ‘Guard your heart above all else, for it is the source of life.’
Father God, I come before You asking forgiveness for how my lack of faith affects how I behave. I come before You asking You to draw me to Your truth and expose those lies I believe in my wrong behaviors. I ask You to help me take every thought captive making it obedient to you (2 Corinthians 10:5). I ask that You help me see if I change what I believe it will change how I behave. Thank You, loving Lord in Your Name which is Truth, I pray. Amen.