Dr. Gary Chapman introduced people to the concept of Love Languages in 1995. His book entitled ‘The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts’ showed readers how people express love and receive love differently. Physical touch may be very meaningful to you but to your loved one words of appreciation may be a more significant expression of love.
God clearly tells us in His Word that if we love Him, we will obey His commands. Obedience is His love language. 1 Samuel 15:22 reminds us He delights in our obedience.
You and I want to delight, bless and express love to our Lord or you wouldn’t be reading this now and I wouldn’t be writing it. He tells us in His Word, His voice how to love Him; obey.
It is easier to obey from the inside out. It is easier to obey when we know we are loved by the one asking for our obedient act; parent, friend, coach, teacher, spouse, or Jesus. Read More
It is easier to obey when we desire the resulting outcome of our yielding behavior. We want to win a soccer match, so we practice the same drills over and over. We want to lose weight so we adhere to a diet plan. We want to be a doctor so we study.
It is easier to obey when we are not thinking about ourselves but about others. There may be the temptation to flirt with a coworker, curse in front of a child, or lie to a family member gaining momentum in our thoughts. But when we stop to think it through to how far-reaching the effects will be for that spouse, child, family member it’s easier to stop those temptations right at the initial thought.
The closer we are to our loving Lord (James 4:8), the more we will genuinely obey. Branches don’t produce fruit unless they are attached to the tree (John 15:4). Self-control is a fruit of His Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) not of our willpower. Willpower is hard to maintain, short-lived, and agonizingly stressful. Ask anyone struggling with an addiction. Self-control produced by His Spirit in us accomplishes His purposes. His purpose is for His glory and our best. Our best lies in obeying so He can bless us beyond our wildest imaginations.
Will you express to Him love through your obedience? Let Him change you. Seek Him. Draw near to Him. Ask for more of the Holy Spirit in your life, those disobedient behaviors will fall away.
John 14:15 ‘If you love Me, you will keep My commands.’
Father God, I want to express my love, my gratefulness, my appreciation, awe, and faith in You by obeying You. I want to minister to You in obedience. I want to bless You in obedience. Prompt me today, to obey. Remind me today that You are with me in all places and situations. Remind me to love You in what I do not just what I think. Thank you, Lord Jesus, in Your Name I pray. Amen.