For Always

Please enjoy these short devotionals. May we both continue to grow in love, knowledge, and living the Truth of Jesus. To God be the glory!


‘So Mephibosheth ate at David’s table like one of the king’s sons.’  2 Samuel Chapter 9:11b (NIV)

In 2 Samuel Chapter 9 we see David looking for people to bless.  In particular he’s looking to bless any family left of his friend Jonathan and also of his enemy Saul.  How like our Lord in that our Lord is always looking for people to bless.  

Like Mephibosheth we were not looking for the King but the King was looking for us.  We are lame, crippled, injured.  We feel unworthy like Mephibosheth when he asks ‘you should notice a dead dog like me?’ Yet, the King seeks us because He is seeking to restore us.  He seeks to place us at the King’s table as His child for always (2 Samuel 9:10b)

David gave Mephibosheth more than he deserved.  He gave Mephibosheth all the land of his grandfather Saul.  He gave him income, servants, hope and a future.  He gave him a place at the King’s table for always.   Our Lord also gives us more than we deserve.  He gives us love, hope, peace, victory, promises, truth, power. He gives us always.  

Mephibosheth accepted what King David had prepared for Him.  Will you accept all our loving Lord has for you?  

PRAYER: Father God, thank you for seeking me and pursuing me.  I desire to sit at Your table for always.  Thank you Father, in Jesus name.  Amen.

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