Please enjoy these short devotionals. May we both continue to grow in love, knowledge, and living the Truth of Jesus. To God be the glory!
People struggle with being masked. It’s uncomfortable, awkward, makes your nose itch, your glasses fog, and there is the nagging question; does it really help?

People struggle with those who are unmasked. Are you infectious? Are you infecting others, or putting them at risk? Why wouldn’t you at least try to protect society? People are struggling.
The variety of masks available are copious; N95, cotton, disposable, surgical, respirator, personalized all with an assortment of patterns, colors, designs, messages, businesses.
Physically wearing a mask may be new and uncomfortable for most of society but most of us have worn an emotional mask at different times in our lives.
Depressed people pretend to be happy, introverts pretend to be extroverts, unsure people pretend to be confident. Maybe the most popular mask people often hide behind is “I’m fine” when their world is crumbling around them. Another frequently used mask is “I can’t”. People think they can’t succeed or move forward and they limit their potentials.
The Bible tells us to clothe ourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience Colossians 3:12. Let us put on and wear these genuine qualities rather than our masks. In doing so we will bless Him and others. Colossians 3:14 reminds us above all ‘put on love.’ Love is the vaccine that makes wearing emotional masks unnecessary.
Father, may we love as You love, with others’ best interests in mind. Help us today to live as vessels of love. The world needs love, they need You. We pray this all in Jesus’s loving Name.