John 15:13 NLT There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.

Imagine it is an errand kind of day, you are simply driving to the store to pick up toothpaste, cotton balls, and batteries when you see a house on fire. What is your first response? Do you pull over? Do you call 911? Do you park and run toward it, screaming to see if there are people or pets inside? Do you stay in your car? Do you keep driving? If it is the home of someone you know, do you respond differently? If it’s someone you know really well, do you respond differently?

People will respond differently according to their gifts, skills, talents, personalities, relationships, experiences, or history. Our military and first responders are often those that risk their own lives to save a stranger’s life.

Many of us will never have that opportunity. We will not have our day interrupted by a disaster, we will not have the opportunity to take a bullet for someone or give an organ that will save a life but take our own.

  • We can lay down our selfish desires so that someone else’s wants can be met.
  • We can give up our agendas to be kind to someone else.
  • We can give up being first so someone else doesn’t have to be last.
  • We can offer the last piece of the pie to someone else even though we really want it and hope they say ‘no.’
  • We can give up an hour of sleep to pray for someone.
  • We can slow down when we are hurrying through a store to look for who needs a word of encouragement.
  • We can lay down our ‘ self-righteous’ attitude of ‘how dare they?’ and offer forgiveness and grace.
  • We can surrender sinful thoughts and behaviors to Jesus expressing trust and love to Him.

There are many ways we can lay down our lives for God and others.

Will you join me in seeking opportunities to express ‘no greater love’ and lay down some selfishness today?

Father God, thank You for the greatest love ever shown, when You gave up Your Son for us. When Jesus laid down His life for us, undeserving sinners. Thank You for Your example of living for others. May we grow in the things of You, and in laying down ourselves, that You and others are lifted up. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Philippians 2:3-4 NLT Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves.  Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too.

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