Waiting for Prayers to be Answered – Children’s Devotional

One of our favorite summer activities to do with children is to hunt and collect Monarch caterpillars, feed them milkweed leaves until they make their chrysalis and then release them after they’ve birthed.

We’ve even planted milkweed seeds in our own garden to attract the butterflies to lay their eggs close to our home. Once we find an egg or caterpillar on a leaf we transfer them to a container in our family room. 

We marvel at how fast they can eat a whole milkweed leaf (we are sure The Very Hungry Caterpillar was a monarch!) and how quickly they grow. Every day there are changes. Once the caterpillar starts hanging out on the roof of the container we know he has eaten his fill and will begin forming his chrysalis soon. The chrysalis making process is an awe-inspiring motion of tucking and weaving and it happens very fast. If you walk away, he could be fully surrounded in his green sleeping bag before you get back.Read More

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