Enjoy these short devotions. May you grow with us in love and understanding of our great God.



Dementia is the general term for those who experience memory loss and other abilities interfering with their routine and daily life.  Dementia patients can wander.  They may expect to walk to the post office but they get turned around, lost and unable to find their way back home.  Dementia patients can be easily agitated, repetitive, suspicious, even forgetting about personal hygiene, eating and drinking.  Dementia patients often forget the names and faces of their family and friends leaving their loved ones to cope with complex grief, loss, loneliness and heartbreak.  Read More


Who we listen to and the advice we base decisions on is vitally important.  The Bible shows us several people who based decisions on bad counsel and the affects were/are far-reaching.  Here are just three examples. 

King Darius in Daniel 6:1-18 listening to the administrators of his government enacted a law that ended up with Daniel placed in the lion’s den. He immediately regretted the decision but what was done was done. The Bible says he didn’t sleep, eat, or enjoy entertainment all night. Read More



One of the first verses I teach children!


With the COVID-19 pandemic, wearing masks has become as familiar as putting on our coats, hats, or gloves to go out on a blustery day. 

People struggle with being masked.  It’s uncomfortable, awkward, makes your nose itch, your glasses fog, and there is the nagging question; does it really help? Read More

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