Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord! Psalm 37:14

I have yet to meet someone who likes waiting. The number of Amazon Prime next-day delivery members testifies to our impatient society. Paying more to get a product sooner has become a preferred lifestyle choice for over 200 million people. Horn honkers, foot-tappers, and irritated comments about the slowness of service seem to be more the norm than the exception, these days.

Do our impatient lifestyles reflect in our walk with the Lord? The Bible reminds us often to ‘wait on the Lord.’ Merriam-Webster defines wait as; ‘to stay in place in expectation of’, ‘to be ready and available’ also ‘to remain temporarily neglected or unrealized’, and ‘to serve at meals.’ Those are all qualities the Lord would want for us.

The Lord wants us to wait with an expectation of His perfect plan, His perfect timing, and His perfect answers to our prayers and situations unfolding abundantly in our lives (Isaiah 30:18.)

The Lord wants us to ready and available. He wants us to quiet our hearts and say, ‘speak God, You’re servant is listening,’ (1 Samuel 3:10. )

The Lord wants us to remain humble (Luke 14:11) and to lift Him up not ourselves (John 3:30.)

The Lord wants us to serve Him. He’s looking at a menu that offers praise, prayer, thanksgiving, and trust and He’s wanting us to bring them all to Him. Please know He’s a really big tipper! You will be blessed as You bless Him (Psalm 67.)

Will you join me in re-framing how we look at waiting?

Father God, we bring You offerings of praise for Your faithfulness, thanksgiving for Your trustworthiness, and prayers and trust for our needs. We wait on You with these things. We love and appreciate You in Jesus’ Beautiful Name, we pray, Amen.

But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint (Isaiah 40:31)

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