SNOWFLAKE BENTLEY – Children’s Devotional

“I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you.” Jeremiah 1:5 NLT

Snowflake Bentley is a man from my hometown. He was fascinated with snow crystals. In 1885 at the age of 20 years old, Mr. Bentley became the first person to ever take a picture of a single snowflake. He went on to take thousands of photographs advancing the world’s knowledge of weather, meteorology, and snow crystals. He found that no two snowflakes are exactly alike and of course, neither are people.

You may be short, tall, curly-haired, straight-haired, with an allergy, or in strong health and you are wonderfully unique. Your eyes may be brown, blue, or you may have one eye of each color, you may need glasses, you are beautifully unique. You may enjoy video games or reading books, you may enjoy summer more than winter or spaghetti more than pizza, you are you, and there is no one else exactly like you.

Do you see those curly-cue lines on the inside tip of your fingers? You are unique. No one else has your fingerprint. No one.

You are the only you! You are a masterpiece! He made you wonderfully, individually, (Psalm 139:14) and He made you with good plans for you (Jeremiah 29:11.)

We get caught up (even adults) in comparing ourselves to others and that isn’t healthy. It’s like eating garbage rather than nutritious food. Yuk! We aren’t designed to compare ourselves to others but we are created to develop and grow into who God has planned for us to be.

Your interests, your desires, your skills, gifts, and abilities are all there by His planning. If you love singing develop that skill. If you don’t like loud noises, don’t take up learning to play the drums. If you like lots of people, join activities with lots of people. If you like being with just a few people at a time better, don’t spend all your time in crowds.

Grow in who He has planned for you to be, beautiful, intelligent, kind, one of a kind you!

Father God, thank You that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. Thank You that You have good plans and purposes for each of us. Thank You that we are not a mistake, experiment or random. Thank You. Help us to grow in understanding who You have designed us to be, in Your Name Jesus, we pray. Amen.

Ephesians 2:10 ‘For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.

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