I drop the kids off at school, then I go for a quick walk rehearsing in my mind the items I need to get at the grocery store. I may have to go to two stores to get the best prices. After I get home and while the groceries are still in bags on the counter, I am thinking about meal prepping for the rest of the week. Wait, is that my phone? Why is she calling, she usually just texts me?

“Hi beautiful friend,” I answer.

“Please pray,” rushes my friend, “we have called an ambulance and are taking my husband to the hospital. He has collapsed on the bathroom floor.”

My day is interrupted, my plans are interrupted, my friend’s day is interrupted and this is where love can get expressed. Of course, I will pray and I will ask what does she need? Does she want me to sit with her at the hospital? Take care of a child or pet? Run one of her errands? What does she need? My schedule is no longer important, my friend and her situation are today’s new priority.

Luke 5:17-26 shows us a time when Jesus was interrupted. Jesus is teaching to a large crowd when all of sudden from the roof comes a paralyzed man on a mat. He is so beloved by his friends they carried him to the One who could heal him, Jesus. I can picture the ‘religious leaders’ saying ‘get him out of here’ but Jesus is saying to the man on the mat ‘let Me love you, let Me honor the faith of your friends, let Me grace with you with forgiveness and healing, know my love.’

Your boss may have a new idea or direction, your son calls, your neighbor greets you at your car before you even get the car door open! Your co-worker is struggling, your wife’s car is making a noise, your child wants to tell you about a new game he likes. You may have plans and so does God, He wants us to love.

Luke 5:27 After this he went out and saw a tax collector named Levi, sitting at the tax booth. And he said to him, “Follow me.”

Father God, help us to see that interruptions are opportunities to love. Interruptions are opportunities to remember what is really important, relationships. You are our most important relationship Father, thank You that You interrupted the life of Your Son for us. There is no greater love, Jesus and we are grateful. May we be vessels of that great love to others, today, in Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.

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